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Free to Hope

Free to Hope

Author: Pastor Thomas G. Wilson
March 17, 2020

Genesis 18:9-12 KJV  [9] And they said unto him, Where is Sarah thy wife? … [10] And he said, I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life; and, lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son. And Sarah heard it in the tent door, which was behind him. [11] Now Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age; and it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women. [12] Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, after I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?


In the middle of a hot lazy day as Abraham sat in the tent door, he and his wife Sarah received a surprise visit…from God Almighty and two of His angels!  What an honor it must have been.  Abraham ran and bowed while inviting them to rest a while.  And as they accepted his invitation, Sarah prepared to feed their honored guests.  Can you imagine spending the day alone with God at your home?  They must have had intense anticipation of what this special time would hold for them.  This encounter would most certainly change their lives forever.  The Almighty honoring you and your family with His Divine Presence, talk about living your best life!  All of a sudden as Abraham showed his guest the finest hospitality possible, the guests queried him as to the whereabouts of Sarah, his wife.  Sarah feverously making preparation for a very special meal overhears the news that most certainly the distinguished guests had come to deliver…she would have a baby boy within a year.  At the time Abraham was 99 years old and Sarah was 90.  The elderly couple had tried since their youth to conceive without success, so childlessness became their “reality.”  While frustration and hopelessness may have been in your life for a very long time never accept them as your truth!  Jesus (the Word) is the truth, the way and the life. 


All Sarah could muster, when overhearing the LORD himself declare that her struggle was over and her story was about to change, was a disingenuous inner chuckle and a disparaging thought.  Get a hold of this picture.  In the very moment that God Almighty was speaking, immediately there is inner conflict! A nervous inner laugh, accompanied by fear and doubt!  What a perfect example of how subtle the wicked one can be.  Satan comes immediately to take away the Word!  The deceiver wants all to live according to his deception so he has established a system designed to build thought patterns that control how we respond to circumstances.  Frustration and hopeless had lulled Sarah into a state of drowsiness viewing even  the truth with cynicism and disbelief.


But bless the Name of the LORD God…It’s never too late!  Let me repeat that…It’s never too late!  No matter how long you’ve tried or how many times you’ve experienced failure, or how old you are, don’t ever give up on God!  The book of God’s covenant promises should be your confession and meditation continually!!!  We must always make sure our hearts are fertile ground for God’s word and our mouths are will spreaders of that supernatural seed.  Consider every inner conflict with God’s word as a threat that must be eliminated aggressively.  Military action is required with extreme force and violence.  It is an attempt by the kingdom of darkness to infiltrate your future.  My future is a no fear zone! I am free to hope!  Joshua and Caleb proved that the word of God produces the same results in an 85 year old as it does in a 40 year old! 


Sarah laughed within herself because all the years of unsuccessful attempts and thought within herself “…after I am waxed old shall I have pleasure…?”   The Hebrew word translated “pleasure” is “eden”…sound familiar.  Can we enjoy, here on earth the place in our lives where all the provision, security, abundance, comfort and rest God purposed for the garden of Eden?  Absolutely!  Ezekiel 36:35 says “And they shall say, This land that was desolate is become like the garden of Eden…”   Refuse to allow the frustrations of your life to make you feel hopeless.  Your Eden is waiting!


For further reading Joshua 14:6-15


